
Showing posts from December, 2019

It's an Allusion

     The White Boy Shuffle was a rollercoaster . From the opening scene that began at the end of the story to the apocalyptic ending it was hard to keep up with Beatty’s fast past plotline. I found it interesting that WBS had parallels, if not direct references to books we’ve read this semester. I enjoyed Gunnar as a sassy self-aware narrator, and of course that reminded me of Invisible Man. In fact, I was thinking of Invisible Man   from the first reading. The choice to start the story from the end is taking a page out of Ellison’s writing. Once the story was underway I was reminded of Native Son. Gunnar was like Bigger in a way because of the situations he was placed in. I don’t mean that Gunnar, was placed in the same situations as Bigger, but the effect of Gunnar’s situations are somewhat the equivalent in the modern American society. As readers we saw Gunnar as a social experiment in a way. It was like Beatty was asking us, how do you think a person like Gunnar will interact w